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3.5mm Distal Humerus System
For precise plate application
For soft tissue application
Variable angle locking holes (15° angulation)
For cortical and VA screws
Oblong hole allowing for interfragmentary compression
5 Hole | 99mm length
8 Hole | 142mm length
4 Hole | 81mm length
6 Hole | 113mm length
10 Hole | 190mm length
13 Hole | 235mm length
Christian Spross, MD
Chief of Orthopaedics Stadtspital Zürich, Head of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery, Head of Orthopaedic Trauma
Stadtspital Zürich Triemli, Switzerland
The LORRAINE System covers both simple and complex distal humerus fractures while adhering to our reducing complexity principle. An optimized number of plates provides the surgeon with targeted solutions for both intra-articular and extra-articular fractures of the distal humerus.
With its carefully designed shape, the LORRAINE Posterolateral Distal Humerus Plate (PLR) combines the advantages of lateral and posterior plating: The curvature on its distal end allows screws to be securely placed into the capitulum and longer screws to be directed towards the trochlea. In complex articular fractures, the plate is an ideal complement to the LORRAINE Medial Distal Humerus Plate for orthogonal plating, providing a less invasive solution yet providing sufficient stability.
The LORRAINE Extraarticular Distal Humerus Plate features an enhanced shaft design that allows for a precise fit when treating extraarticular fractures. The plate is tapered to minimize soft tissue irritation. It features an increased screw density in the distal portion of the plate and an optimized screw configuration with the two most distal screw trajectories towards the capitulum and trochlea.